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Refresh Your Home with Annual Filter Replacements.

Clean air within 50s.

Efficient and compact design for versatile placement.

A dual-function solution for clean air and stylish home decor.

Optional integration to connect Briiv into your smart home. Set schedules and use your unit remotely with independent app control.

Four Speed Levels

Briiv comes with speed levels 1-4, '1 hour mode' at level 4 for 60 mins. 51 CFM indicates air volume passing through in a minute.

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Why does Briiv have higher upfront costs but lower running costs than other filters?

Briiv may cost more upfront, but has lower running costs compared to other filters.

Briiv operates on 5V with annual filters priced at S$75, making it a budget-friendly choice for air filtration.

To maintain quality, Briiv carefully sources and secures natural, recyclable, and biodegradable materials that are not easily accessible.

How does Briiv improve the air quality?

Briiv employs a fan in the base for air filtration through three layers.

The moss layer removes PM10 particles like dust and allergens. Coconut layer filters particles as small as 5 micrometres including combustion emissions. Nano matrix filters PM2.5 particles and odours with activated carbon.

Improvement depends on initial room pollution level. Higher initial count results in greater reduction. Briiv delivers 51 cubic feet per minute of clean air.

It takes 60 minutes to filter all the air in a 4m x 4m room through Briiv, in line with standard Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) tests. 

Does Briiv have to be on every day?

Use Briiv daily to maintain clear air. Pollutants can enter your home when opening windows, cooking, or using cleaning products.

How many units do I need?

Rooms exceeding 40 cubic meters (11 sqm) may require more than one unit.

What are the different speeds for?

As a guide, this is how we'd recommend using the different levels:

Level 4 - Maximum power, set and forget. For when you're in another room or out of the home and want to set the '1-Hour Mode' for purified air when you return. 

Level 3 - High power, for when doing something intensive like cooking a meal or using cleaning products and you feel a little extra speed is needed.

Level 2 - Medium power, ideal for running in the background. The Briiv will emit a low hum, but is perfectly usable if you are sleeping nearby or watching TV in the same room.

Level 1 - Low power, ideal for when Briiv is by you all day, helping clear the air around you and keep you calm and focused. 

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